tisdag 13 november 2012

måndag 20 augusti 2012

Ink on tile

I was invited by Jamila Drott to do a small contribution to one of her pieces at the exhibition "RISK" at Gallery Thomassen.
This is how it turned out. 
It was afterward "buffed". 

måndag 16 juli 2012

IITS 2012

Had a lovely time at "Island in the sun" festival this weekend. Me and my family was there in good company with Hyena, Kuti Kuti, Ekta Jonas Holmer and Jamila&Jim. KLICK

Big thanks to every one involved!

måndag 25 juni 2012

torsdag 10 maj 2012

måndag 7 maj 2012

måndag 30 april 2012

Happy 10year aniversary

Commision for landscapers 02

onsdag 7 mars 2012


Just came back from Rome. Nothing but arches and ancient things in my head right now..

tisdag 7 februari 2012

Second half in place, now it´s whole =)

Sorry for the crappy photo, the sun was impossible, but I´m so impatient so I´ll go ahead and post this anyway. Will upload better pictures on a cloudy day.
Thanks you L-Å!